Take my MasterClass ONLINE! ➡️ www.youtube.com/kylehanagami/JOIN ED SHEERAN - Shape Of You | Dance Choreography by Kyle Hanagami INSTAGRAM ▶ http://www.instagram.com/kylehanagami ___________________________________ CHOREOGRAPHY | Kyle Hanagami INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/kylehanagami TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/kylehanagami FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kylehanagami WEBSITE: https://www.kylehanagami.com/ ___________________________________ DANCERS | GROUP 1: Haley Fitzgerald Stephanie Mincone Emma Hauser GROUP 2: Evan DeBenedetto Adam Vesperman Michael Dameski GROUP 3: Ryan Vettel Emma Hauser GROUP 4: Idaliz Cristian __________________ FILMED BY | Ryan Parma TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/ryanparma INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/ryanparma WEBSITE: http://www.ryanparma.com ___________________ SONG: Shape Of You ARTIST: Ed Sheeran I am obsessed with this song... in a non-creepy way. well, maybe a little creepy. Fuck, i love Ed Sheehan.

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